The Potent Power of Projecting our Pain and Protecting our Hearts Can Paralyze us in Fear Causing Trust and Communication to Collapse. The Key to Overcome is to Remain Vulnerable and Open While Continuously Choosing a Path of Love and Light
I have to share with my beloved readers and Fan Family that I have been in a state of Paralyzing Pain and Complete Confusion for the past several weeks. I am Physically Fine. It is my emotional state that has been in Turmoil. That is the main reason I have not posted anything here during this EVENTFUL time as a fan of Kim Hyun Joong. I have started many blog post articles only to abandon those thoughts knowing I was not expressing my true heart. I have been agonizing with doubt on whether to share something with you that was a very negative and painful experience for me related to being a fan of Kim Hyun Joong. I had to take some serious time to myself to meditate and pray and decide what my TRUE HEART was trying to tell me and what my TRUE SELF wanted to reveal. Let me just clarify, the pain of going through this Horrible Scandal with Kim Hyun Joong and his Fans, his Beautiful Henecia, is NOT to what I am referring. That pain, I have been able to withstand with the help of some beautiful and loving fans whom I call my SISTERS IN LOVE and we have all fallen more deeply in love with Kim Hyun Joong and each other.
Kim Hyun Joong is a True Artist with the Rare Ability to Evoke an Intense and Visceral Emotional Response Leaving us Helpless and Happy in the Intoxication of Bliss I downloaded Kim Hyun Joong’s live version of ‘Creep’ by Radiohead performed at Budokan 2012 from Youtube again last night. I had this song on my old phone, and lost it when I changed phones. I finally found it again and have been playing it on repeat all morning and fighting back tears. I am not sad. I am moved. This song was a popular tune in the United States about 20 years ago. I liked the song when it was playing on the radio stations here constantly during it’s height. I did not purchase the song and I did not go to any of their concerts or anything like that. I liked the song. That was all. Now, I LOVE this song! Not just because Kim Hyun Joong covered it, but because of HOW he covered it. When I listen to his little introduction before starting the song, I can’t understand a word of what he is saying in Korean. It doesn’t matter. Just the gentle sound of his voice, and the inflections he makes when he makes a joke in Japanese and teases the fans makes me feel warm and happy. I don’t need to understand the words he is saying, because I understand the Emotion he is Evoking. This happens all before he even sings the first note.
Kim Hyun Joong and His Fans Leave Deep Impressions on Non Fans and New Fans Alike as they Spread His Loving, Gentle Spirit in Every Point of Contact Kim Hyun Joong and his fans are In Love and Inseparable. That much has become apparent to those who have been silent readers on our blogs, in comment boxes and on social media during the recent crisis of having our Only One accused of the Unthinkable. Kim Hyun Joong and his fans have faced off against Irresponsible Reporting Practices and Human Insects who Live to Buzz About, Bite, and Suck the Blood of Celebrities and Public Figures who are Preyed upon by those who stand to profit by Sensationalizing Scandals without the slightest regard for finding or reporting the truth. While the battle raged around us, we were able to maintain our dignity and grace. And Kim Hyun Joong, our Gentleman Hero, was the most dignified of all in his handling of an extremely hurtful situation. The way he handled the haters and his ex girlfriend was nothing short of Angelic, and believe me, outsiders took notice. We were being watched, and we left a great impression. I am so very proud of Hyun Joong and the fans. People have noticed something marvelous and miraculous between us and they are curiously craving more.
As the Enemy Continues to Plague with Painful Poison, Turn to the Peace that Passes All Understanding and Find Rest in a Beautiful Soul When I read the news this morning reported in kpopstarz announcing the continuation of Kim Hyun Joong’s assault case proceeding with a further investigation I became literally sick to my stomach. The emotional blockage in my esophagus was literally causing me to fight back a gagging sensation and burning, stinging tears threatend to spill from my eyes. I completely lost my appetite and could not eat lunch. I could not focus on work as I wanted to investigate further and find out WTF this was coming from? It felt like just another knife being plunged into my chest. How much more painful would it be for Kim Hyun Joong? I was asking myself, Why can’t they just leave him the F*** ALONE? Well, it’s called greed: $$$$$. It’s called sensationalism to get eyes on their headlines and on their ads. In fact, before I could even read the write up, I was harassed by an auto loading video advertising something that was just annoying me because I wanted to read the story so I could see what the hell was going on. Waiting to Hear the News of Kim Hyun Joong's Future Plans, We Imagine Many Possibilities, Making Peace with the Unknown as All Roads Eventually Lead HomeTHE WILL OF GOD WILL NOT TAKE YOU WHERE THE GRACE OF GOD WILL NOT PROTECT YOU As we continue to wait anxiously to hear from KeyEast or Kim Hyun Joong regarding future plans, we are feeling restless and stressed because we are so invested in our hearts. As we offer our undying support and fervent prayers on his behalf, we are desperately begging for a positive outcome for Hyun Joong that leads to his ultimate happiness. I have considered that perhaps we are feeling a bit possessive and selfish regarding his plans and could be a bit like the pot calling the kettle black when we are feeling that his ex’s obsession was too much burden for him. Now, we are wanting him to do MORE! MORE! MORE! Professionally, and are worried sick that he may be denied the opportunity to do so. I am beginning to feel quite selfish and a bit guilty and regretful thinking he may be feeling more pressure because of the knowledge that his fans are afraid of losing him as their Only One. I understand that we just love him so much, but honestly the fear of losing him as an Public Figure and Entertainer is the beginning of obsession as well, and I am taking a step back to evaluate: What would be best for Hyun Joong? I have already stated that I want him to do whatever it is that makes him happy, and whatever that may be is entirely up to Hyun Joong.
As We Have Watched the Public Trial and Execution of Our Only One, We Are Distraught With Worry, Wanting to Rescue and Shield Him From the Fire. If He is to Rise, He Must Stand on His Own, Face His Future with Faith and Fight for His Dreams. As I write this, I am realizing that recent events will not be able to be put to rest and completely forgotten as I wished them to be. As we watch and wait for what will come next, they are now a part of our experience with Kim Hyun Joong. Even though the memories are excruciatingly painful, and we are still hurting as we worry about the consequences, they have taught us to appreciate and understand him more deeply than ever. They have taught us that we are capable of much more than superficial admiration. We are capable of real forgiveness in the midst of our pain and disappointment. Yes, I am disappointed that my sweet dear Angel lost his self control. It has caused so much pain for everyone involved, his ex, her friends and family, and himself and his friends, family, and fans. I could be seriously angry with him for making the wrong choice in the heat of that moment if I did not have so much love in my heart. Was it only the ex that ruined everything for him? Truthfully, no. If he had kept his head in that situation, she would not have been able to do what she has done. Technically, we could say it's all his fault to begin with and throw up our hands in disgust and defeat. He has admitted to doing something a man should never do, and for some, that was reason enough to abandon him and walk away.
Center. Clarity. Peace. Serenity. Reflection. Focus and Future. After the Devastating Storm, Kim Hyun Joong can Take a Well Earned Rest and Find His Way Home Kim Hyun Joong's Official Apology this week was like a huge stone being thrown into the still lake of our hearts. After spending our strength and emotional energy showing him strong support through this stormy chapter in our lives as Idol and fans, it seemed shocking and abrupt. However, in his wisdom, he has effectively stopped this whole nightmare cold in it's tracks. He resolved the situation with Honesty and Humility. I have come to expect this from him after knowing him these years. Honesty and Humility are his signature moves, and I identify with them well. I am thankful that it is over, and I am thankful to Kim Hyun Joong for shouldering the whole mess and carrying it away like a 1 TON Gendong full of watermelons on his strong and steady back. For taking that burden out of our sight, I applaud him as a Hero among Men. He is truly wonderful and awe inspiring in the way he handles himself in times of personal crisis. My heart is deeply touched and forever changed by his Brave Example. Every step he takes draws me deeper into this surreal and beautiful bond I feel with him and my fellow fans, and I will never be the same. Kim Hyun Joong is a daily inspiration to me and my heart is fused to his like steel upon steel forming the strongest, unbreakable sword. He can never be cut out. He will never be forgotten or replaced. He has fulfilled his own prophecy and become our Only One for Eternity and beyond.
KIm Hyun Joong Once Again Sets an Example to Make Us Proud: Displaying Humility and Strength in a Difficult Situation, His Decision to Apologize and Accept Responsibility for His Weakness Displays Bravery, Wisdom, and the Love of a Real Man.They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. 7But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. -John 8:6-7 My Inbox, Comment Boxes, Twitter Feed and Facebook are eerily quiet this evening. Almost everyone seems to have been shocked into a stunned silence over Kim Hyun Joong's decision to come out with a full public apology on his Official Web Page. In the carefully worded release, he takes full responsibility for his actions, and promises to reflect on his misdeeds. He did not admit to any lies or misleading statements or validate his ex's previous versions of the Truth. He simply appealed to the public not to blame his ex-girlfriend and appealed to her to please forgive him for losing his self control and deeply hurting a person he once trusted and loved. I have to admit when I first read the entire apology translated to English I felt my heart freeze up. It literally skipped a few beats. It was a cold feeling as if dread had seized me physically and I had to fight back the tears because I was at work. I had a very busy and stressful day at work, and was unable to process any of my feelings until I went to my counseling appointment after work. Yes, I still see a counselor, and I feel that fact is very relevant to the response I am about to share with you over Kim Hyun Joong's loving decision to relent to his ex-girlfriend, protect her and keep her from the public eye and issue this public apology. Get ready my brothas and sistas in love! 'cuz I'm about to give a testimony on up in here!' :)
It is Hate's Purpose to Steal Your Joy: Don't Let Him Win! Today is a Beautiful and Sunny day with moderate Temperatures in the Low 70s. I am working in my apartment with my windows open enjoying a cool fresh breeze and I am feeling happy and content. Why am I giving you a weather report and telling you my mood? Because, I want you to take your emotional temperature. Gage for me how you are feeling at this moment. Recent Media Reports have stirred up a hornet's nest in the hearts of Kim Hyun Joong's fans, and the emotional response I am seeing is breaking my heart. I dearly love my sisters in this group of lovely people who have gathered around the man I have come to think of as my Compass. Kim Hyun Joong's Beauty, Humility, Strength, Wisdom and Love have made my life so much happier in the past four years. Part of that Love has extended to so many new friends I have had the privilege of meeting around the world, and I experience true Joy in my heart on a daily basis as I interact and share my heart with them.
An Arrow of Poison Shot from the Ground. It May Seem as Though an Angel was Shot Down. Never let Your Heart Fear, Take a Word from the Wise: From the Ashes of Evil only Beauty can Rise. A Wing and A Prayer by AngelJoong86 I feel like I'm choking and struggling to breathe The thick air around me is starting to Seethe The sickly sweet stench of Evil fills the air Suffocating my soul with it's Foul Breathing Stare Sour Sweat, Stale Beer and Cheap Cigarettes I'm gasping and struggling and Fighting for breath Let me OUT OF THIS NIGHTMARE Let me breathe in FRESH AIR Where the Sun is still Shining A cool breeze ruffs my hair The music of leaves rustling softly in trees Refreshing and Peaceful I'm longing to see The sweet smile of My LOVE Let me hear her soft voice Whispering my name, calling me out of the VOID I am sick of DECEPTION, LIES and BARE GREED! There's a rope at my neck and chains 'round my feet I struggle and fight, I want to be freed Yet the Stones weigh me down And in Hell's murky waters, I'm starting to drown It seems that I've sunken in over my head Where is my Hope? Where is my Help? Where are my Protectors? Where are my Knights? Where is Blind Justice? Am I Alone in this Fight? It's OK, My Love, You are Precious to me It crowds out all 'else and allows you to 'just be.' All my selfish desires to KNOW and be RIGHT mean nothing at all as FEAR takes it's bite Rest here in my arms with our memories of LOVE Let these sustain you, BREAK OUT, Rise Above Just Breathe. It may feel like drowning but breathe deeply my scent Listen to the warmth of my voice speaking softly in your ears A gentle caress dries your cheeks stained with tears Listen.... A rasp of a whisper becomes a soft rolling Hum Like a Drum in the Distance, Thrrrum, Thrrrum Draw Strength, Grasp Hope, Grab onto My Hand Let me pull you back up, lift your chin up and Stand Tall and Proud, Hold your Head High We run through blooming fields and over the rise You can hear them, they're chanting, you can hear their strong cries Kim Hyun Joong! Kim Hyun Joong! They are shouting your name They are waiting for you to take up your rightful claim They are gathered far from the North, West, East and South They are waiting for you, your heart's Dream to Come True From Every Tongue of Every Nation they have come to this place An Aura of Beautiful, Colorful Light shines out from every face Like Aurora Borealis so Bright in the Sky! Your Breath is Taken Away! Take up your Instrument and feel the sudden hush The anticipated pause gives your Adrenaline a rush It is YOUR DREAM, all your FANS and a Stage of Only One No Ticket sales or Profits or Public Persona to sell Just You and Your Bride, no Beauty to Hide Sing out the first note and the tears will flow down Our hearts swell and explode with the warmth of the Sound Just Sing out your Heart and give us your Best And with the Last Note, you can Finally Take Rest We'll catch you and hold you and gently fall down And sleep with the Peace of a True Love that's Found Rest in Your Soul and gather Your Strength From the Ashes of Fire a Phoenix is born Rise up on Strong Wings and Soar Ever High Leaving Sorrow Behind as we sing "Fly, Angel, Fly!" For My Angel, My ONLY ONE Inspired With All My Love, Angie Noonim HTML Comment Box is loading comments... |
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About AngelJoong:I've been writing about Kim Hyun Joong since 2011. He is always busy and happy and I love to read about him and write my reactions and feelings about his work and his public life. I want a place where Alien Family can gather and discuss their beloved, Kim Hyun Joong. Archives
August 2015