I downloaded Kim Hyun Joong’s live version of ‘Creep’ by Radiohead performed at Budokan 2012 from Youtube again last night. I had this song on my old phone, and lost it when I changed phones. I finally found it again and have been playing it on repeat all morning and fighting back tears. I am not sad. I am moved. This song was a popular tune in the United States about 20 years ago. I liked the song when it was playing on the radio stations here constantly during it’s height. I did not purchase the song and I did not go to any of their concerts or anything like that. I liked the song. That was all. Now, I LOVE this song! Not just because Kim Hyun Joong covered it, but because of HOW he covered it. When I listen to his little introduction before starting the song, I can’t understand a word of what he is saying in Korean. It doesn’t matter. Just the gentle sound of his voice, and the inflections he makes when he makes a joke in Japanese and teases the fans makes me feel warm and happy. I don’t need to understand the words he is saying, because I understand the Emotion he is Evoking. This happens all before he even sings the first note.
Kim Hyun Joong and His Fans Leave Deep Impressions on Non Fans and New Fans Alike as they Spread His Loving, Gentle Spirit in Every Point of Contact Kim Hyun Joong and his fans are In Love and Inseparable. That much has become apparent to those who have been silent readers on our blogs, in comment boxes and on social media during the recent crisis of having our Only One accused of the Unthinkable. Kim Hyun Joong and his fans have faced off against Irresponsible Reporting Practices and Human Insects who Live to Buzz About, Bite, and Suck the Blood of Celebrities and Public Figures who are Preyed upon by those who stand to profit by Sensationalizing Scandals without the slightest regard for finding or reporting the truth. While the battle raged around us, we were able to maintain our dignity and grace. And Kim Hyun Joong, our Gentleman Hero, was the most dignified of all in his handling of an extremely hurtful situation. The way he handled the haters and his ex girlfriend was nothing short of Angelic, and believe me, outsiders took notice. We were being watched, and we left a great impression. I am so very proud of Hyun Joong and the fans. People have noticed something marvelous and miraculous between us and they are curiously craving more.
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About AngelJoong:I've been writing about Kim Hyun Joong since 2011. He is always busy and happy and I love to read about him and write my reactions and feelings about his work and his public life. I want a place where Alien Family can gather and discuss their beloved, Kim Hyun Joong. Archives
August 2015