Kim Hyun Joong and His Fans Leave Deep Impressions on Non Fans and New Fans Alike as they Spread His Loving, Gentle Spirit in Every Point of Contact
I mentioned how moved I was as I listened to the Japanese and International fans who had gathered at the small performances sing along with Hyun Joong and pour out their love. We fans are not the only ones being moved. Non Fans are feeling this deep emotional bond, and they are also being moved. We are still unclear as to what the future holds for Kim Hyun Joong. The only certainty is his Military Service. It will be coming all too quickly, and we are praying for more opportunities to enjoy him in Public Appearances before he has to go into hiding from us. Another drama would be amazing. Another Album and Tour would be just as satisfying. Or, if Hyun Joong just booked Intimate Venues like the two he performed this week, we would be in Heavenly Bliss. The fans share everything together, and we support and love each other as much as we support and love Hyun Joong. I think that is what has impressed the non fan readers the most here. We are just all about love, the truest kind of love that is given without condition or expectations in return. I am so proud to be a fan of Kim Hyun Joong! I am so thankful to the fans and to Hyun Joong for fostering this kind of atmosphere. So Thankful and Blessed.
We all come from many walks of life, many belief systems, many religions. It is obvious that I have a Christian background and upbringing. I know other readers and fans have their own belief systems, faiths and religious practices. I am not religious per say. I have done some real Bible quoting and preaching over the past weeks, but that is just my background of faith. I am not a church goer at this time. I was raised in Sunday School and Catechism in the Catholic Church as was Kim Hyun Jooong. Through my teenage years, college and during my adult life I attended various Protestant Denominations until I fell out of the practice after my divorce. I have reasons for that. It is not necessary to go into detail about those. What I am trying to say is that I don't want to push any one Spirtual Belief System here with my fellow fans and with those silent readers that are finding peace and happiness with Kim Hyun Joong and his fans. Whatever Spiritual System you follow, or if you follow none, it does not matter because True Unconditional Love is Universal. Everyone can recognize and understand that it is rare and beautiful. And we have found it together with Kim Hyun Joong.
All my Best,
Angie Noonim