Postponement for Inspiring Generation/Age of Feeling on KBS: Why again?
If you are not familiar with the Kim Hyun Joong/Jang Geun Suk connection, I will give a brief recap of events. Last year, there were a couple popularity polls where both actors were entered in the same category. During the weeks of open voting, Kim Hyun Joong would be in the lead by a LARGE margin above Jang Geun Suk. I was voting happily with the fans and we were so excited and proud of Hyun Joong. THEN, out of the blue, Jang Geun Suk would gain hundreds of votes in a single day and surpass Hyun Joong. There was some speculation that the polls were hacked and the votes were inflated unfairly.
Of course, fans were upset. Apparently JGS claim on the title has stuck since search engine results of 'Prince of Asia' bring up his name. There is a small mention of Kim Hyun Joong as fans had been calling him 'Prince of Asia' since his drama PK and his solo debut in 2010-2011 when he won the hearts of the Japanese fans with his beautiful looks. He won 'Most Handsome Man' award around that time as well. But, JGS has that title designation because Hyun Joong is too humble to declare such a thing with his own mouth.
Also, I want to be clear that I don't have anything against Jang Geun Suk either. In fact, I have enjoyed his dramas 'Love Rain' and 'You're Beautiful.' I have nothing negative to say about him. It's just strange that his path seems to get tangled up with Hyun Joong's quite often and he always appears to be the victor. It's just frustrating for me as a fan of Kim Hyun Joong. Once again, I am hurt and confused for my Angel Hyun Joong.
Lee Kang Hyun, the director of KBS drama production recently commented, "In order to start broadcasting in November, we have to start filming in China right now. However, because of certain Chinese holidays, the permission to film has been delayed."
He continued, "If the location permit is delayed, then the 1930 Shanghai backdrop of the drama will not be complete, and that was a concern. We thought that even if we have to postpone filming and fill that spot with another project, it would be better to capture the full essence of this new drama."
I am not familiar with the ins and outs of the television industry in S. Korea. I can only make guesses based on the articles I've read. KBS was responsible for dropping City Conquest as well which makes another puzzling coincidence. Seriously, what is the deal? Are all of these occurrences just coincidences? Or does someone in the industry really have it out for our Hyun Joong? I prefer to believe that's NOT the case. Otherwise they wouldn't have approached him to do the drama. It does make me wonder if this role was a sort of peace offering after CC. Just me thinking it's all so strange.
P.S. I love you... Saranghe Hyun Joongah! Cheong mal Saranghe! Hang in there my UNBREAKABLE man!
I am not normally so negative. I am just very heartbroken over it all. I will continue to pray that these delays and problems ARE just coincidences and that KBS will get it's act together and work it all out. Please... please... please. We want to see our Angel acting before he has to enlist. Please! That's all I have for now... I am crazy rushed. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this EXTREMELY upsetting situation. I know KHJ will weather it well. He always does. It just makes me want to scream 'WHAT THE HELL???" That's all. Thank you for listening to my rant.