Kim Hyun Joong's Military Enlistment, Mismanagement and Miracles in the Making
Kim Hyun Joong and that naughty tongue! So Cute!
U:Zoosin 'Brand Joong'
For Kim Hyun Joong, to be able to understand our love and forgiveness, he needs to see us loving and forgiving others too. It is DIFFICULT, I KNOW. But, for his sake, so he can better accept the love from us he feels undeserving of receiving, I want to back away just a bit and give him space to process and reflect as he promised he would do in his announcement. He needs this time to come to terms with his own broken heart. For sure, he has been betrayed and is feeling that pain, but if I know him at all, I know he is feeling disappointed in himself more than anything. It will take time for him to feel like he can open his heart again and trust himself. I don’t see him having issues with trusting others as much. Forgiving and trusting HIMSELF again is going to be the biggest battle. What I want to give him now is my understanding of those feelings and difficulties as well. I understand completely because I am very hard on myself when I have made a mistake that caused pain to a lot of people. I tend to beat myself up and prevent myself from receiving love and forgiveness when I still feel guilt for whatever part I had in a hurtful situation. I understand him fully, and I hope he can get through that and feel worthy to accept our love. I am praying he will be able to let go of his guilt and pain and come back to his happy, beautiful self. We are missing him so much now, but we can be patiently waiting for him. He will come back to us in his own time stronger and better than ever before. He has proven that he is a fighter! He will work hard to improve himself and will continue living with honor and integrity. It is just who he is and who he will always be. Kim Hyun Joong's character is reliable and consistent. He will rise again, of that I have no doubts.
Kim Hyun Joong: Still on Top! Take THAT haters and anyone 'Anti Joong'!
His Kim Hyun Joong U:Zoosin brand is still a top draw! Proven by cold hard numbers! I dare anyone to try to get in his way! His loyal fans are still by his side and new fans are joining daily. I think he has almost converted my non fan friend who is studying Korean. She has watched every SS501 variety show she can get her hands on. She could be watching any variety programs she chooses to help her study. But she has chosen SS501 because of Kim Hyun Joong and the love poured out over this controversy. She’s almost caught! LOL! Kim Hyun Joong’s magic web again! And the other members of SS501. She is falling in love with all of them. It’s really sweet and nice. It just makes me crazy happy and I know if she is slowly falling, there are more fans all over the world being introduced to the blessings and love we receive from Kim Hyun Joong and each other. So many new fans are commenting on this blog and other sites as well. They are being captured by his undeniable charisma. It is not just a charming charisma like we know from other good looking Actors and Singers. It is a Sincere and Soulful Aura that he presents. It is so apparent to us just watching him in his Reality Shows, Interviews and Live Concert Performances. Kim Hyun Joong is really Special. There is no way to get away from this fact once you have noticed him. You can never get enough. He will always be a Top Selling Artist because he breeds genuine love amongst his fans. We have a camaraderie that is unique to Our Only One, Kim Hyun Joong. Like Button Up Shirts, Pin Striped Suits, Penny Loafers, Kitten Heels or the Little Black Dress, he is a Classic and will never be out of style!
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I’m planning to enlist in the army when I turn 30. I should be enlisting soon since I’ll be in level 1. Some people might not be so fond of the fact that I’m enlisting so late. It’s because of my career as an entertainer, but I still want to apologize. I was waiting for the right time and I will surely be enlisting now. I will be leaving early next year.
-- Kim Hyun Joong source: Mwave April 9, 2014.
Oh! There it goes again! Naughty Naughty Tongue! LOL! Another 'Brand Joong!'
With Baited Breath and Rapidly Beating Hearts!
Love Angie Noonim