KeyEast Announces Kim Hyun Joong’s Military Plans Will Not be Expedited as He Takes a Much Needed and Well Earned Period of R & R.
Kim Hyun Joong hasn’t even received a draft notice. How would one enlist without a draft notice? The rumors of his enlistment are not true. Upon seeing the enlistment news reports, our agency representatives said that no one had contacted them about the matter; it’s strange. We don’t understand how those reports got out without confirming with us. -Yang Geun Hwan, Head of KeyEast Entertainment
Some comments stated that they were no longer his fans, and didn’t care anymore about what he was doing. It is my personal opinion that they were never really his fans in the first place and are simply antis posing as ‘ex fans’ to make it seem like he is losing his fan base. What I say to that: IF you REALLY were his fans, good riddance, and if you don’t care what he’s doing then why are you reading articles about him and taking the time to make a stupid comment saying you don’t care? Really? You wouldn’t be there if you didn’t care! Don’t insult my intelligence with your stupidity. Only one sensible comment was placed there by someone who seemed to be just neutral, neither a fan or an anti. They said that it did not matter what Kim Hyun Joong’s plans or activities were since he would be criticized no matter which direction he takes. If he enlists, they will say he is doing it early to escape the scandal. If he doesn’t enlist, they will say that he is using his privilege as a celebrity to delay it. If he works, they will say he is callous and not repentant for his admitted sins. If he doesn’t work, then they will declare that he cleared his schedule or his jobs were cancelled because of the scandal. It’s just so frustrating and annoying and I want to just tell the media and haters to crawl back into their holes and leave him alone! AIISSHH! My Poor Hyun Joongie!
I am inviting all my readers to join me in keeping him lifted up. We truly are the wind beneath his wings. As much as possible lets go to his offical youtube channel and watch his videos as many times as possible. Let’s vote in every poll we can find as well and nominate if we are able to do so. I have created a page here on this blog to list links for all of these opportunities so you can visit once a day and vote away. If you find any new polls or places where we need t o make our presence known in support of Hyun Joong, you can send me a tweet, a facebook message or an email. My contact information is at the top right hand corner of the page. Just click on the icons for the social media of your choice. I also have a google+ where you can type a message to me as well. Let’s unite behind Hyun Joong from every country whether we are Henecia, Triple S or Independent fans. I want to show how strong our numbers are so KeyEast, the South Korean Media, antis, haters, and Kim Hyun Joong himself have no doubts about his BRAND POWER! Fighting U:Zoosin Brand, 4D Alien Prince Kim Hyun Joong! You are greatly loved and we want more more more! ☺ I am reminded now of another issue we came across as fans trying to unite across National Borders on United for Kim Hyun Joong at facebook to support him by sending rice wreaths to his upcoming appearance at Lotte Duty Free. Apparently the company who provides and delivers the wreaths called Dreame has refused to allow us to purchase the wreaths stating they could not confirm that Kim Hyunn Joong would be appearing on October 25th as planned.
So, now what? We are waiting patiently for Kim Hyun Joong to take his rest and vacation time. He will come back to us when he is ready. We will continue to love and support him while missing him every day. I just want him to be HAPPY no matter what. I believe that as long as we keep him in our hearts, thoughts and prayers, he will find his way to that Ultimate Happiness he so richly deserves. He has worked hard, been faithful, and blessed many. He has earned his reward. Let’s give him all we’ve got!
Love always,
Angie Noonim