Kim Hyun Joong Keeps a Grounded and Level Head Even as He Achieves Top Rank and Status in the Industry of Super Egos and Superiority Complexes
Still looking super handsome even with a bare face & being tired after diving ^^
— TheAlienPrince (@AlienPrinceKHJ) October 13, 2014
I had to share these Tweet video shorts of Hyun Joong Scuba Diving because he is smiling and happy! I hope he is as refreshed as he looks here! Credit to the Person(s) who were so kind to post! ENJOY!
You're the King of the World~!
— TheAlienPrince (@AlienPrinceKHJ) October 13, 2014
He immediately began tuning it up with the piano. Hwangbo discovered a letter in the case and Hyun Joong said, ‘oh, there’s a letter!’ He started to read the letter and after the the first couple of sentences, Hwangbo asked him what something the fan had called him meant. ‘Oh, that means living statue,’ he said very frankly. Just factual. No indication of pride or bragging. It was just a fact to him that fans called him by this description. He said it as if it were perfectly normal and nothing to be flattered or embarrassed about. Hwangbo just died laughing. I don’t know if it was because he was so straight faced or she had thoughts of a different description which she said out loud and both cracked up. It is that earnest heart he displays at all times that makes us fall head over heels over and over again. His eyes are the best indicator of his sincere heart. When he looks someone in the eye while they are talking, a rare trait in Asian cultures as most of the time they are required to keep their eyes averted to show politeness and respect, you can see all the way into his heart. It is so obvious that it is completely open and waiting to receive you without any obstacles, walls, mistrust, or motive.
Why are you so cute, HJ? ㅋㅋㅋ (HJ: "Last diving in this tour!!")
— TheAlienPrince (@AlienPrinceKHJ) October 13, 2014
Being treated as beneath the lead actors is common in every culture in the drama industry. There is a certain prestige to becoming a lead actor, and most actors enjoy their ‘status’ by treating those beneath them with the same superiority they were treated with when they were ‘unknown’ and coming up through the ranks. They feel they have earned the ‘right’ to treat others this way because they were treated this way as they were ‘paying their dues.’ Not Kim Hyun Joong! He has actually stated in interviews that it makes him uncomfortable when his younger or less experienced colleagues bow to him and call him ‘Sunbae.’ He says he would prefer they just call him Hyun Joong! He is so beautifully humble, and respectful of the feelings of others. So remarkable for such a young man and for a person who is in the Entertainment Industry especially. Artists generally have the BIGGEST EGOS of any group of people. I know this from experience as well. I have been in many drama and musical productions from Junior High School through College. Artists tend to be very sensitive psychologically and emotionally and they live for praise and accolades. Their entire self worth can sometimes be wrapped up in the recognition they receive for their talent.
Let me help you, HJ..
— TheAlienPrince (@AlienPrinceKHJ) October 12, 2014
Not long after that, I was actually asked to leave the worship team. It was for other reasons having to do with my progressively worsening psychological and mental state due to the dysfunction of my marriage, but of course, it was like I was being kicked when I was down. I had all of my self worth wrapped up in that one talent. I hit rock bottom in my depression after that and my marriage just got worse. I was never the type to be openly jealous or to mistreat anyone because of my delicate ego. I just felt that I had no purpose or value if I was critcized about my singing. At the time, my logical self actually knew that it was ridiculous for me to feel that way, but I just couldn’t help it. I also knew logically at that time that God was stripping this ‘crutch’ away from me so I could grow and become more mature and healthy in my thinking. Although I knew this, it was very difficult and I was emotionally raw. Honestly, I have not done much singing in public since then. Ironically, I became afraid that if I started receiving praise for that talent again, I might go back to that state of needing approval in order to feel secure. Presently, I know I have matured and grown because of that experience. When I do perform, I no longer have those feelings at all. I am nervous and humble accepting my praises with grace and humility just like I should be. Just like Kim Hyun Joong.
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing now, we only hope that you're happy and healthy. 보고싶다.
— TheAlienPrince (@AlienPrinceKHJ) October 12, 2014
I wanted to show fans that even though I'm not perfect, I've come this far and that I improved
- Kim Hyun Joong
And This... TWIST KING shared by my new 'non fan' friend. I loved this and smiled the whole time because Hyun Joong just looks like he's having a great time! This is the Hyun Joong we want back! Footloose and Fancy Free! Love it!
Angie Noonim