And to KIM HYUN JOONG.... I am so thankful for having been able to meet such an amazing young man. I have been so blessed by everything you have done as a celebrity and public figure. You have inspired me. You have healed me. You have kept me happy in very depressing circumstances. I would not be able to get through a very tough life without your sweetness, gentleness, humbleness, and talent coming into my home and work place every day. I would probably have given up and just existed until the day I died physically. Because of you, I live every day and continue to have hope that I can make changes in my life and improve it. I can have the hope and strength to slowly make steps forward instead of falling back into despair. I am deeply indebted to you.
For Hyun Joong, happiness is a must in life. He wishes only for his fans to be happy and to receive happiness from his work. I could not be happier because I have Kim Hyun Joong in my life. I also could not be happier because of his fans whom I have met along the way. I just want him to know that and that I love him with all of my heart for who he is. What he does is only a beautiful reflection of the amazing man he is. I love Kim Hyun Joong for Kim Hyun Joong and nothing else. It is that simple.
Full of Humility and Love... OHCHEONSA
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